Aging Characteristics

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Aging Characteristics Top of the aging process began to occur at ages above 30 years, with a number of characteristics such as: Dry Skin and Rough (Xerosis Cutis). This condition is characterized by redness, scales and...
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Free Of Acne

Friday, April 29, 2011

Free Of Acne Pare (Momordica charantia) is a green vegetable with a rounded oval shape is irregular. The bitter taste may make pare not so favored by many people. Vegetables are indeed different from other green vegetables,...
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Negative Thinking Impact

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Impact of Negative Thinking Negative thinking is a pattern or a way of thinking is more inclined on the sides of the negative than the positive side. This mindset can be seen from the beliefs or views that came out, how...
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Stroke and Broccoli

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stroke and Broccoli Broccoli effective in preventing heart attacks and strokes. According to the researchers, the chemicals contained sulforaphane in broccoli, works to strengthen the immune system to prevent clogged...
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Sleep Soundly Tips

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sleep Soundly Tips Sleep is a fun activity. Sleeping off all our fatigue during a full day to go back to recharge the power to initiate the next day's activities. Normal sleep duration for adults is 8 hours. However,...
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Kale as Anti Pioson

Monday, April 25, 2011

Kale As an Anti-Poison Kale originated in India, then spread to Malaysia, Burma, Indonesia, South China, Australia, and Africa. In China, swamp known as the Weng suey. In Europe, kale called swamp cabbage, water convolvulus,...
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Tomato Prevents Wrinkles Skin

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tomatoes Protect Skin From Wrinkles You want to know the secret of youth? By consuming tomatoes, your skin will remain intact. The team of researchers from the British Society for Investigative Dermatology which is...
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Acne Spreading

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Acne Spreading However, today, not only facial skin that can become infected with acne. Dorsal skin can be affected by acne. Back area is the part that many oil producing, just like the face. And the more oil if you frequently...
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Cervical Cancer

Friday, April 22, 2011

Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that 99.7% are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) oncogenic, which attacks the cervix. This cancer can present with vaginal bleeding but symptoms of this cancer did...
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Traps in Weight

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Traps that Increase Weight Each woman must be afraid of being fat. Various ways done in order to lose weight for an ideal. The most feared is the obesity that occurs precisely because of pregnancy. Once a mother, without...
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Teenage Diet

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Teenage Diet = Obesity Risk Young women today have much to go on a diet to lose weight. But it was a diet that they do this early on will bring the risk of obesity when they grow up. The harder they go on a diet, the...
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Supplements Addiction

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Beware Addiction of Supplements! Many people who lack understanding consume multivitamins, minerals in high doses, and other supplements that come from other countries. Though it is not impossible that the product is only...
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How To Cope Stress

Monday, April 18, 2011

12 Tips To Cope Stress Have you ever felt your work was starting to feel pain in the ass because the amount of pressure you get at work? Maybe you start to feel your clients increasingly fussy and fussy, your boss starts...
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Soy Benefits

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Soy Benefits History of soybean First note of soybeans in the Journal of Chinese Materia Medica was written by the emperor Sheng Nung in 2838 BC. Mentioned that wild soybean (Glycine ururiencis) is the first type of...
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Eye Fatigue

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fatigue In the Eye Fatigue in the eye is often referred to as Computer Eye Syndrome or asthenopia in medical language. Computer Eye Syndrome is a condition which manifests non-specific subject such as excessive fatigue,...
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Milk & Cheese Cause Acne

Friday, April 15, 2011

Acne Due to Consumption of Milk & Cheese Recent research shows that some specific food products can lead to pimples or acne. A large study on the subject ever conducted and published in the Journal of the American...
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Body Needs Water

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Body Needs Water Normal water content in the human body ranges from 70 to 80% of body weight. In the body, water is supposed to undergo a process of absorption in the small intestine, reabsorption in the colon, is also...
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Let's Push Up

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Let's Push-Up! Push-up is a symbol of health, which is also used as a barometer of fitness the most simple, easy, and the fastest. Push-up test the whole body, set the muscles in the arm, chest, abdomen, hips, and legs. Push-up...
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Healthy Diet

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Healthy Diet For You! It is reasonable if there is an increase of uncontrolled weight after pregnancy. Of course, all I want to restore the ideal body shape such as a girl and a beautiful Mom. All you need to process,...
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Healthy Body

Monday, April 11, 2011

How to Make Healthy Body Sports should be used as a childhood habit. Not only that, parents also need to provide concrete examples, because endurance (stamina) and immunity (the ability to fight disease) is obtained from...
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Bacteria, Viruses, and Antibiotics

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bacteria, Viruses, and Antibiotics Bacteria are single-organisms that sometimes can be found inside and outside of our entire body, except in blood and spinal fluid (spinal cord). Most bacteria are not harmful. In fact...
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Healthy Foods For Heart

Healthy Foods For Heart Food you eat indirectly affect your heart health. Here are some foods that are considered good for the heart, among others:  Oatmeal Oatmeal is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, folate and potassium....
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How to Overcome Acne

Saturday, April 9, 2011

How to Overcome Acne Of course many of us who crave the skin is clean and bright, especially women. There is a pimple that arise in the face of it, sometimes it makes us cranky. Acne that often come attached to the face...
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Friday, April 8, 2011

Acne (Acne Vulgaris) Acne (acne vulgaris) can be one sign that someone is going through puberty. However, not everyone is pimply puberty must have been or are being puberty do not always have breakouts. Acne can occur...
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Grow Faster Hair

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to make Hair Grow Faster HAIR healthy not be obtained due to heredity, but is the result of intensive care. There is no instant drug that miraculously healthy long hair. However, there are some things you can do to...
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Banana, Stress Medicine

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Banana, Stress Natural Medicine As reported in VIVAnews, that bananas contain nutrients that are good for health. One of the ingredients in banana is fructooligosaccharides (FOS) that serves to: Lowering cholesterol Reduce...
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Benefits Of Milk

Other Benefits Of Milk You must have known the benefits of milk for the body if taken every day, but other than that there are benefits of milk for other activities. Want to kno...
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Mesothelioma Definitions Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the thin tissue that covers most internal organs (mesothelium). Doctors divide Mesothelioma into several types based on which part of this cancer...
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About Diseases

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Infectious and Non Infectious Diseases Infectious disease. While understanding the medical terminology is a disease caused by a biological agent (such as viruses, bacteria or parasites), not due to physical factors (such...
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Psychosomatic Disorders

Psychosomatic Disorders Psychosomatic disorders can be interpreted as a reaction to the soul in the physical (soma). According to the American Psychosomatic Society (2005), psychosomatic disorders derived from the Greek...
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Fatal Diet Mistakes

Monday, April 4, 2011

Most Fatal Mistakes In Diet People's views about the Diet is to eat less in order to lose weight. Reduce feeding can be associated with the following things that turned out to harm our bodies and the results are even...
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Laser Hair Removal

Remove Fur With Laser Hair Removal Eliminate the fine hair on the body does not merely have to be done by waxing or shaving. The new method you can try is 'Laser Hair Removal'. Growth of hair on arms, legs, face and...
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Alcohol Impact

Impact of Alcohol Consuming alcoholic beverages is now such a part of life style of some communities. Starting from a mere trial, many of which later end up addicted to this one type of beverage. So far, the negative...
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Addiction Food

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Addiction Food Some of the food contains substances that can make people addicted. Without realizing it, a number of favorite foods containing addictive ingredients that make people always want it again and again. Of...
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Drowsiness At Night

Drowsiness At Night Why are we sleepy at night? Or why when a rural community which had no electricity tend to sleep more quickly? The answer is because of the melatonin hormone . SCN will tell your body to release the...
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Coffee Impact

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Coffee for Your Body Coffee, the world's favorite beverage was given a lot of benefit to the body. What are they? Diabetes According to researchers at Harvard, consuming six or more cups of coffee a day may reduce the...
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First Menstruation

First Menstruation Confused, restless, uncomfortable feeling when a girl found herself having menses for the first time. He indeed had never heard of this problem before menses. It's just that the new knowledge he got...
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Anti Stress Food

Friday, April 1, 2011

Anti Stress Food Never stress? Stress has become part of our society today, especially for people who live in big cities (which is included in the Metropolitan category). Various problems that cause stress can easily be...
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