Walking Diet

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Walking Diet

Today has been busy by technical term “The Walking Diet”, Which means doing diet by the way on foot. If you want more information on dieting, in fact you can simply set a healthy diet, "without any crazy diet” and combined with walking 10,000 steps per day. This is in addition to burning calories, is also able to improve the body's metabolic system.

Walking and diet

Nearly every physical activity we are doing it can burn calories, but how many calories burned? Compared with sports management, was able to walk to burn calories in large enough quantities. In women aged 40 years with lifestyle or physical activity that is, walking with a speed of 2 miles per hour (roughly equivalent to 70 steps per minute) for 30 minutes to burn the calories up to 79.1 kcal, whereas the speed of 4 miles per hour (about equivalent to 140 steps per minute) for 30 minutes to burn the calories up to 184.1 kcal. In men aged 40 years with lifestyle or physical activity that is, walking with a speed of 2 miles per hour for 30 minutes to burn the calories up to 64.9 kcal, and with a speed of 4 miles per hour for 30 minutes to burn the calories up to 186.7 kcal. If it is done routinely every day, then you can calculate how many calories are lost when you walk away.

On foot and back pain

Those who are suffering from back pain or are in a period of healing from back pain are advised to do mild exercise such as aerobics. But for some cases of back pain sufferers, simple sports sometimes still make pain, so they tend to stop exercising.

As an alternative, it is now recommended to replace a little exercise by walking. Walking with a low speed stable and balanced it will maintain and enhance one's ability to perform daily activities, while reducing the tendency of occurrence of back pain later in life.

Before exercising the way on foot, do it slowly and gently stretch to stretch the muscles and joints to get accustomed to the movement on foot. But there is a good idea before you stretch, you first make a mild street for five minutes to warm up.

Because walking distance to train your calf muscles, thighs, and pelvis, then this exercise can improve the stability of the spine and also the condition of the muscles of the buffer so that the upright posture is maintained. In addition, walking can also strengthen bones, so if done regularly can help prevent osteoporosis and reduce the pain of osteoarthritis.

Roads and diabetic foot

Diabetes Prevention Program published the results of studies showing that walking for 30 minutes and five times a week, followed by adjusting the size of the meal, it can reduce the risk of diabetes by 50% in participants with excess body weight and blood sugar levels are high. They also lost weight on average 7.5 kg in a year.

Routine foot is very well done for diabetics because it can increase the body's ability to process so it does not accumulate excessive sugar in the blood. As a result, blood sugar levels can go down so that it can reduce the risk of heart disease and kidney.

Before and after the walk, you should check your blood sugar levels. If too low, below 100 mg / dl, you should add about 15-30 grams of carbohydrate intake. If too high, above 200 mg / dl, then you should postpone your exercise until their blood sugar levels down. It is important for the diabetics to always check blood sugar levels with regular intervals if you want to try


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