Pregnant Woman Tips

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Important messages for pregnant women

Pregnant women should eat and drink more than when not pregnant. To prevent anemia during pregnancy the mother should eat plenty of food sources of iron, such as dark green vegetables, tofu, green beans, red beans and other beans, eggs, fish, and meat.

Drink two glasses of milk a day mother regularly. To prevent tooth loss and bone fragile, pregnant women should eat plenty of calcium-food sources, such as nuts, eggs, fish / small fish eaten with bones, green leafy vegetables.

Recognize the symptoms of anemia (anemia) during pregnancy, such as: pale, dizzy, weak and dizzy vision. During pregnancy, eat a wide variety of food in sufficient quantities. When the mother's appetite is less, eat fresh foods-fresh, such as: fruits, fruit juice, vegetable nodes, etc.

Avoid restrictions on food, because it will harm the health of mothers. Avoid smoking and drinking because it will endanger the safety of mother and fetus. Do not forget to check yourself to the midwife or health center regularly, for mothers and its contents remain healthy.


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